new outfit

Website updates

As you may have noticed on the website, I haven't updated it lately. I'm currently looking at a way to incorporate some kind of tool to easilly update the items in the collection, and I have found it: Drupal CMS. It will however take me some time to figure it out completely, especially the graphic design of the system... And for the rest of the website... I noticed that some people somehow look over the main menu, and others who use it, look over the sub menu's.... A redesign will need to be made somewhere in the near future. SparkOne more new item has been released: Spark (why use only female names, I figured... ) This is the first complete outfit with a shirt and a pair of pants (and a lovely pair of panties haha..) The set has a 'Trinity - Matrix' kind of look... I hope to get some more stuff done this weekend... We'll see :)