cat suit

new items

Lucid 1.0Last days have been a little hectic (for a change) and so it took me a while to update this blog... I had a little time left to finish three outfits which I had created earlier. The first two are basically created from the same idea. They are named 'Lucid 1.0' and 'Lucid 2.0'. Both sets are full bodysuits, made out of different layers to give them a special deep color and shine. Three version are included per set: a set which is open, a normal set and a a set with a print on the front (Lucid 2.0 has one on the back too). Lucid 2.0The versions with the prints look coolest (me thinks). Just click on the image on the right to get a bigger picture. The third item is a combination set, it is the Ava white set combined with a bright red catsuit. This item is special, I noticed some people like it and some don't, there doesn't seem to be a way in between. This set will be released in other color catsuits too... I will also make Ava 2 packages and Ava 3 packages. Ava combinationAnd Ava 4 is on the way (when will it be finished?? could be tomorrow, could be in four weeks... haha) The way they look now, Ava 4 and 5 will look a bit more like bathing suits... Next, I created... or am creating new templates which have a more 'glass like' look. You can see a preview here. The arms and back aren't finished yet and black / grey transparent are the only flavors available (grey transparent look HOT b.t.w.). The front of the legs still need some work too... Glass look testThe thumbnail has all naughty bits covered up for people who do not like to be confronted with nudity. When you click the thumbnail however, a larger uncensored version of the picture will pop up and.. ohlala.... The choice is yours..... I also rented a new store in a shopping area which I'm decorating right now... I will let everyone know when it officially opens! Hope to get new stuff out soon, and tell you about it here! Untill then, happy shopping! Items mentioned above can be found at SL Marketplace and for those who want to buy it in-world, stop by at my shop!