Store update

Hi everybody, here is a quick message to keep you up to date on what I am doing! At this moment RL  is busy as ever and I'm really happy to say my webdesign business is still going strong despite the economical winter we seem to be having. In-world things are still well too, so no complaints from me.
The new store entrance

The new store entrance

I have come across a little problem in the last two months... which is mostly a luxury problem: I've run out of shop space. The people who have visited my shop lately may have noticed that, even with the temporary extra wing built onto it, the store is filled up with sets to say the least. I therefore started construction on a store update. It will soon replace the current one and will have the same look and feel. When I have sorted out this new shop stuff, I'll be back at the drawing board, designing new squeeky latex items. There still are some color redesigns waiting for me, and of course new designs too!