Vanity Expo!

This week you can find me, or better, my items at the Vanity Universe Lingerie and Beachwear Expo! you can also see the link to German SL Style (German). And here is the SLrul. It's a fair for 'normal' lingerie. I am there to spread some stylish latex ;) Here is the promo image for my booth!

Hugo\'s latex design promo showing sexy Ellen

On the promo picture you can see Ellen, and she's wearing something new! It is a set based on art made by Rick van Koert and the set is named after the person who brought it to my attention: Viktoria. If you know Rick's work, you may know the image this set was created from. More images from this set and other new creations soon, as new ideas finally are coming into shape.

RL has been trowing some serious amounts of work my way past week and I hope to get some design time this weekend and upcoming week!