More Ava and Lucid

I installed the latest Second Life viewer update on my pc half an hour ago. I found out that what was previously called WindLight (atmospheric rendering), is now standard part of the viewer. If you don't like it (or if your computer, like mine, can't handle it), you can switch it off. I really love the atmospheric effects, but on the other hand, avatar photography looks better in the old viewer (in my opinion). New sets! Yes there are a lot of new sets in store. some of them combinations of sets that were already for sale. here is a list of the new sets:
  • Ava 1.0 (black)
  • Ava 1.0 (black) - Lia combination
  • Ava 2.0 (black) - Lia combination
  • Cat black
  • Ava 1.0 (white) - Cat black
  • Lucid 3.0
A lot of Ava combinations :) and why do the version numbers have a '.0' notation? Well... I really don't know. There must have been some logic in that, but I've forgotten what it was... Since the black Ava 2.0 was such a success, I decided to make a black version of Ava 1.0 too. Same goes for the Ava 2.0 / 1.0 - Lia combinations. An image says more than a thousand words so here are the vendor posters:

Ava 1.0 - blackAva 1.0 (black) - Lia combination

Ava 2.0 (black) - Lia combinationCat - black

Ava 1.0 (white) - Cat blackLucid 3.0

I will also release a combination of Cat black and the Solar corset from the previous post in the near future. From this batch of items I am particularly pleased with the Cat-black latex cat suit and the Lucid 3.0 set, which are well... hot :)

Still more items are waiting to be released... So make sure to be back soon for more info... or subscribe to my feed...