It has been a while since my last post, and that is for a good reason. My rl webdesign agency is doing very well! We are happy and our clients are too! This, on the other side, limits the time I can work on the new 'shiny' collection...
I have been walking around in-world to see what my competition has to offer and have grown aware of the fact that my designs are of high quality (at least, I think so lol). The designs created so far are straight forward and when I have a little more time on my hands I'll have a go at more items like the 'devil' design...
The plan now is to start selling the new latex outfits when I have ten or so unique designs. They may come in different colors, but I won't release each item in like twenty color variants... Next to the special outfits, I'll be selling the 'plain' latex catsuits in normal and transparent variants in more color variants...
The Flickr site I've set up especially for posting pictures of my designs has had more visits than I expected! Comments are very positive and I hope to start selling the new items soon... (this still may take me some weeks...)
And in response to two questions I received, asking me why the Ava 3.0 (worn in combination with a totally transparent catsuit by Ava herself on the picture to the right) design was never sold and if I am planning to put it in the shop I can say this: When I was working on the design I noticed a lot of these kind of designs were already on sale. I will however put it in my shop soon.
New Flickr account
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have opened a new Flickr account where I will post all pictures regarding my clothing design's. This can be a complete new design, sketch, try-out, or shop / sale sign... This way I have one location to use as a platform for showing my designs and you will have the possibility to post comments and tell me what you (don't) like about them! See you there!
Hugo's fashion at Flickr