
While I'm busy preparing new sets for Lola Mesh support, I'm also looking at the catsuits... Over the years the classic catsuit has not changed much, however... The tattoo layer came along, Hugo's design expanded it's color range and now the impants slowly start to look (more... somewhat big, but more) realistic. Apart from that, my photoshop skills have improved too... Some of the catsuits for sale now still lack tattoo layers, and so it's time for an overhaul. I'll update the sets asap. (Which means they'll certainly be ready by this time next year hehe). Here's two examples for the shine on the suits (the classic one in the first pic and the 'hard shine' version the second). There is a third one which I'm still testing. A pic of that one will be here soon!
Catsuit 2 - classic Catsuit 2 - classic

Catsuit 1 - hard shine Catsuit 1 - hard shine

And an update: here is catsuit version 3. It's an updated version of the classic catsuit. I think it's my favorite one...
Catsuit 3 - classic update Catsuit 3 - classic update